2025-2026 Enrollment Opens Jan. 6th
Brittany Kelly
Art Teacher and Office Administrator

Brittany has worked as a creative professional for the last decade as a fine art painter, photographer, social media manager, visual lead for the local church, office administrator, and art teacher. She graduated from Montreat College, double majoring in Psychology and Human Services, and is passionate about taking her interest in the human psyche and applying it into a fine art setting. As a firm believer in being a life-long student, Brittany also holds a certificate of practical ministry and theology. To teach art and watch students “ah-hah!” moments as they discover the true, the good, and the beautiful, in the context of a Christian based educational setting, has been a focus and joy of her last four years teaching.

You can almost guarantee that whatever Brittany is doing, she is trying to find a way to do it outside. Painting en plein air, gardening, golfing, or fly fishing fill her cup to the absolute brim. Home is her most favorite place, and sitting around a campfire with close friends, family, and a good plate of food is her ideal Friday night. Brittany has been married to her best friend, Evan, for 11 years, and together they have two, fun, and beautiful children, Judah and Margaret Shepherd. Evan and Brittany were both primarily raised in Alabama, but spent their newly-wed, and young parenting years out West in Fort Collins, Colorado, working for Mill City Church. Those Rocky Mountain peaks are forever etched into their soul as Team Kelly’s most favorite home away from home.

Brittany lives in pursuit of her everyday-ordinary-living being indivisible from the paths of righteousness that God orients her life towards. Illuminated living for His namesake is the greatest adventure she will ever know, and her most honest delight is to discover, know, draw close to, and follow in the ways of Jesus. She is grateful for the web of unique touch points ACC Academy allows her to have with students and their families from this perspective - from answering emails to teaching students how to engage and create beauty in the art room. To be a small part of what God has planned for ACC Academy brings a smile to her face, and gratitude to the deepest parts of her soul!