2025-2026 Enrollment Opens Jan. 6th
Academic approach

Our Approach

The primary goal of Christian education is the formation of a peculiar people – a people who desire the kingdom of God and thus undertake their life’s expression of that desire.
ACC Academy’s Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment programs are committed to ensuring a robust and effective systemic plan for students in Kindergarten through 2nd Grades. Our focus is on providing a guaranteed and viable curriculum guided by state and national standards. We emphasize the development of Biblical knowledge and spiritual growth, while building essential knowledge and critical thinking skills necessary for success in the world in which we live.
English language arts:
Early literacy curriculum grounded in the Science of Reading, while
combining knowledge-building and research-based foundational skills
Robust instruction that develops strong readers, writers, and thinkers.
Phonics/Phonemic Awareness:
Bridge to Reading Foundational Skills Kindergarten-Heggerty
Phonemic Awareness Kindergarten Curriculum-Heggerty
Handwriting Without Tears-Learning Without Tears
Read alouds:
Books composing of classical literature as well as content-area texts to support knowledge-based curriculum, science, and social studies. Strategically chosen to build vocabulary, background knowledge, and comprehension skills.
Reveal Math Kindergarten-McGraw-Hill
Science/Social Studies:
Unit Studies to correlate with knowledge-building early literacy programming
Deep Roots – 29 core units in chronological order with one introductory unit on God’s Word and three holiday units (Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter)
Special Opportunities:
Missional work partnerships within the community and beyond. Local libraries, parks, and community field trip visits, nature explorations, and many opportunities for family and staff-led lessons and experiences
Special Area Classes:
Physical Education, Music, Art, Exploration
Character Values:
Core Essentials – 9 values that reflect Biblical teaching while centering on core principles of treating others right, making smart decisions, and maximizing potential
English language arts:
Early literacy curriculum grounded in the Science of Reading, while
combining knowledge-building and research-based foundational skills.
Robust instruction that develops strong readers, writers, and thinkers.
Phonics/Phonemic Awareness:
Bridge to Reading Foundational Skills Grade 1- Heggerty
Phonemic Awareness Primary Curriculum - Heggerty
Handwriting Without Tears-Learning Without Tears
Bridge to Writing Grade 1- Heggerty
Read alouds:
Books composing of classical literature as well as content-area texts to support knowledge-based curriculum, science, and social studies. Strategically chosen to build vocabulary, background knowledge, and comprehension skills.
Reveal Math Grade 1 – McGraw-Hill
Science/Social Studies:
Unit Studies to correlate with knowledge-building early literacy programming
Deep Roots – 14 core two-week units in chronological order, starting with Old Testament, with one inductive two-week bible study unit and three holiday units (Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter)
Special Opportunities:
Missional work partnerships within the community and beyond. Local libraries, parks, community field trip visits, nature explorations, and many opportunities for family and staff-led lessons and experiences.
Special Area Classes:
Physical Education, Music, Art, Exploration
Character Values:
Core Essentials – 9 values that reflect Biblical teaching while centering on core principles of treating others right, making smart decisions, and maximizing potential
English language arts:
Early literacy curriculum grounded in the Science of Reading, while
combining knowledge-building and research-based foundational skills
Robust instruction that develops strong readers, writers, and thinkers.
Phonics/Phonemic Awareness:
Bridge to Reading Foundational Skills Grade 2 - Heggerty
Phonemic Awareness Primary Curriculum - Heggerty
Handwriting Without Tears – Learning Without Tears
Bridge to Writing Grade 2- Heggerty
Read alouds:
Books composing of classical literature as well as content-area texts to support knowledge-based curriculum, science, and social studies Strategically chosen to build vocabulary, background knowledge, and comprehension skills.
Reveal Math Grade 2 – McGraw-Hill
Science/Social Studies:
Unit Studies to correlate with knowledge-building early literacy programming.
Deep Roots – 14 core two-week units in chronological order, starting with New Testament, with one inductive two-week bible study unit and three holiday units (Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter)
Special Opportunities:
Missional work partnerships within the community and beyond. Local libraries, parks, community field trip visits, nature explorations, and many opportunities for family and staff-led lessons and experiences.
Special Area Classes:
Physical Education, Music, Art, Exploration
Character Values:
Core Essentials – 9 values that reflect Biblical teaching while centering on core principles of treating others right, making smart decisions, and maximizing potential
Assessing & reporting
ACC Academy uses a standards-based grading system to give students and families more information about where their child is at in a progression of learning. The standards-based grading system is designed to identify specific learning gains as well as gaps and academic needs, allowing learners, teachers and family time to work together to help students progress to their potential.